About the JPG

The Judges Progression Group (JPG) was set up as part of the new GCCF Governance and Administration for the training of its Judges.

This web site is designed to help with guidance to prospective candidates in the first instance, and to use as a resource for prospective new GCCF judges. It is planned that as the site is developed there will be educational pages for Breeders and Exhibitors.

How it works

The new GCCF Administration scheme for Judges Training now sits with Imperial Grand Groups and Grand Groups from within each of the 6 Sections of the GCCF. This new Administration scheme replaces the Part 1 of the Philosophy and Principles ( P&P) and was approved in Council in Oct 2023. Learn more about the rules for the JPG’s and BACs by reading the Administration Scheme document.

The new Judges Training Pathway Scheme was approved at June 2024 Council and is planned by the JASRG to be rolled out to the JPG’s in early January.

Until then this JPG is administering a Pilot of the new scheme.

Section 6 has 3 BACS, SCJAC ( Siamese Cat Joint Advisory Committee), OJBAC (Oriental Joint Breed Advisory Committee) & Balinese BAC. If you wish to see who the Officers & Delegates are from each BAC, use the button below.

JJPG Delegates, give and receive feedback through their respective Breed BACs and feed this into the JPG committees. Feedback is sent to all candidates from the JPG Section 6 Secretary. The BACs are still an integral part of the whole training and work hand in hand with the JPG committee on feedback, guidance, seminars will be jointly managed.