GCCF Judge Pilot Training Scheme

Why and how-

As it has been deemed unfit for purpose and outdated, the GCCF processes for training its Judges needed to be dramatically updated.  It was considered, far better & quicker,  to be trained by Multi-Breed and not single breed lists as was in the old scheme.

The JASRG, appointed to review, create and design the new scheme have called on the four educationally acknowledged teaching and learning styles –

  • Visual–using images to process information
  • Auditory-listening and discussion
  • Read and write: reading for information and making notes
  • Kinaesthetic–doing/ hands on

Learn more about the new scheme  Judge-Training-Programme.

Council approved the new scheme, however, to ensure the scheme will work to the benefit of all, it was decided a Pilot JPG was needed to use the processes with its candidates. As JPG 6 had candidates in various levels it was selected and has agreed to administrate the Pilot from Sept 1st 2024.

The 3 levels are:

  • Student Judges  ( BAC Steward as was)
  • Junior Judges ( Pupil Judge as was)
  • SBJ – (Specialist Breed Judge)

All JPG6 candidates will be following the new Training Pathway rules, pertaining to whatever level they are, which are listed in the Quick guide to minimum qualifying requirements document.

Full S6 Judges have been notified and furnished with the examples of Tutorial Assessment forms as the emphasis is on the candidates verbal discussions with the Full Judge.  In the new process, BOTH the candidate and Full Judge give written feedback on what has been discussed with emphasis on what has been learned.

Any Judges or GCCF Stewards who wish to discuss/consider entering the Pilot please contact the JPG Secretary:

Sue Dalton-Hobbs

Email: JPG Sec email

Download the form you need by clicking on the PDF & Word symbols.

Learn about the process through these documents below.

Quick Guide to Minimum Qualifications

V7 Judge Training Programme

Preferred Assessment Judges

You can choose one of these as a breed mentor.

Flowchart Admin process for forms submissions

1 JTP – student judge2a application

2 JTP – specialist breed judge(p)application – download pending

3 JTP – junior judge application

7 JTP – full judge application – download pending

JTP – Tutorial assessment form trainee judge version

JTP 3- Tutorial Assessment form – tutor judge version

part 1 GCCF JP v5 – governance administration

JPG payment form for GCCF Office

Download All Forms – download pending